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Monday, May 21, 2007

Changing Of The Guards

No more about the recent Eurovision debacle. I've really had enough of it...for now. Perhaps I should be blogging about the Blair-Brown changeover (or even the upcoming switch from the Maltese Lira to the euro) but my blog is not what it used to be, so I'll move on.

This entry is actually meant to serve as a public announcement of my presence on YouTube. I've just been spending too much time in Second Life to create my YouTube account earlier. It also just occurred to me that I haven't even mentioned anything about my adventures as a 3D avatar. I wonder why.

I really need to sort out my priorities in terms of my interests and what not. I guess the first thing on my agenda must be to get the Franklin Furnace book published. To get to that I have to clear all the other odd jobs that have piled up over the months. The first of these is a MaltaMedia feature about the sainthood of Dun Ġorġ Preca. An equally pressing task is a huge pile of essays by my students, which I need to mark in within a period of about two weeks.

And now you may have an idea why I don't always blog as often as I should between my weekly podcasts.

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Blogger keBo said...

Is it worth it to spend so much time on Second Life? I've downloaded the program and to tell you the truth I didn't bother to go through all the specifics. I'm afraid of addictions :) 

4:31 PM, May 23, 2007
Blogger Toni Sant said...

keBo, you've raised three points here. Here's what I have to say about each of them.

a. Is it worth the time? I suppose that's very subjective. It depends on what you expect to get out of it.

b. What is SL really all about? I don't think it's about one thing. It more than a game. It's more than another communication channel. I can understand your frustration because I think that a high level of engagement is required to really appreciate SL.

c. Addiction? That's a tricky one! Can we really live without some sort of addiction or other? So perhaps it's best to choose our addictions rather than fall into them blindly.

Anyway, thanks for your comments. You've given me the opportunity to start articulating my thoughts about SL in writing. 

4:45 PM, May 23, 2007
Blogger keBo said...

I've only tried it for like 10 mins and "Sims" was the first thing that came to mind. I'm sure it's more than that! But yes please, I'm sure the mob out here would like some more info on SL :) 

8:51 PM, May 23, 2007
Blogger Arcibald said...

Hi Toni... not related to SL, but it seems that because of your (I might add 'unjustified' but that's my opinion) Eurovision craze, you totally forgot L-Ghanja tal-Poplu, which I think should be promoted much more.

Anyhow... this year Corazon Mizzi won it... she used to blog during my time as 'Arcibald' :) The song is here if you want to include it in your podcasts and it's called 'Hawn Jien':

Caw caw u take care... Antonio 

12:46 PM, May 26, 2007
Blogger Toni Sant said...

Thanks for reminding me Antonio! I'll include Corazon on my podcast today. 

1:50 PM, May 26, 2007

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