Gimme Shelter
I really enjoyed reading Immanuel Mifsud's blog entry about the Eurovision. As one of Malta's foremost contemporary authors and poets, any time he gives to something as seemingly trivial as Malta's participation in the Eurovision Song Contest is indeed very welcome by pop culture dust mites like me.
I'm sure he'll be heartened by the fact that the blog entries I wrote from Helsinki this week follow the list of songs on Patti Smith's new album of cover versions called Twelve, track by track. The Rolling Stone's anti-war dirge Gimme Shelter is the fourth song on the album and perhaps I'll keep doing this until I either come to a natural end or I get bored, whichever comes first. The next track on Twelve is Patti's take on George Harrison's Within You, Without You. How marvelous is that?
Since I'm on the theme of cover versions I thought it would be most appropriate to open my weekly podcast (did you really think I'd skip it this week?) with Nat Newborn Big Time's version of Lordi's Hard Rock Hallelujah, featuring the voice of Vicky Rusty.
This week's Mużika Mod Ieħor may be seen as a Eurovision edition but anyone seeking any of the cringe-worthy stuff I've subjected myself to in Helsinki over the past few days will be somewhat disappointed. Hanna Pakarenen's Leave Me Alone is undoubtedly the most solid song of the lot and sadly hardly anyone thinks of it as a winner. In case you're one of the millions who've never heard of the Eurovision Song Contest or wouldn't be caught dead hearing any of the drivel dished out each year, you can catch Finland's exemplary entry on the 66th edition of my music podcast.
Not one to wish onto others that I wouldn't even wish on my own enemy, there are no more direct Eurovision references in the rest of this week's podcast. Norfolk-born 19-year old John Galea has appeared on a previous edition of my podcast. He has been recording some new tracks this year in preparation for an album. From this 2007 material I've picked Faded Popstar.
Anyone in Malta seeking the perfect Eurovision antidote this Saturday night can find it in the UK band Sidecar Kisses, playing at Poxx Bar tonight. You can hear their song We've Been Getting On as the closing track on this week's podcast. I wonder if I should go catch up on more blog updates on the Eurovision or give it a rest and return to academic life and scholarly research. My flight back to London is tomorrow (Sunday) at lunchtime.
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Labels: Eurovision, MMI, podcast
I enjoyed the remix of Lordi (Even though I prefered the origial) :)
the other 1 ofcourse i felt how you felt when she lost i wanted 2 be there to cheer her up ive been her fan for 3 years now what happened to her she hasnt blogged since friday im worried she gave up and wont blog any more from
dear antonia, all malta and gozo are very worried cause she has not yet blogged since friday. yes. we are all worried that she might give up and stop blogging. that would be the end of the world. god help us.
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