Open Book
I've paid back all my sleep debt and things are back to "normal" after last week's trip to Italy. Before my 2005 Italian adventure becomes just another travel memory, I'd like to point out something that's going on at this year's Venice Biennale; especially because as far as the Maltese media scene (including the blogosphere) is concerned, it almost feels like this is happening in private.
Maltese poets Maria Grech Ganado and Immanuel Mifsud are among 250 poets whose work (on page 21) makes part of Isola della Poesia (English title: The Poets of the Virtual Island), curated by Achille Bonito Oliva and Caterina Davinio, along with an installation by Marco Nereo Rotelli, at the 51st Biennale di Venezia. It's not a project for the masses, even though it's still open to all. Still, it's really good to see Maltese poets mingle with others from abroad in such an environment. I believe others may still join them.
And speaking of privacy, I was thrilled to read the following in today's Washington Post:
"The House handed President Bush the first defeat in his effort to preserve the broad powers of the USA Patriot Act, voting yesterday to curtail the FBI's ability to seize library and bookstore records for terrorism investigations. Bush has threatened to veto any measure that weakens those powers. The surprise 238 to 187 rebuke to the White House was produced when a handful of conservative Republicans, worried about government intrusion, joined with Democrats who are concerned about personal privacy."
Why do I (often) give democracy a bad rep? I'm really tickled to bits whenever I see American democracy working its magic. Perhaps the system works (sometimes) after all. Then again, this is how conspiracy theories are born.
Mhux ghal xi haga, imma l-fatt li l-ktieb qed jiehu hsiebu Bonito Oliva ga huwa haga kbira!
Prosit lil Marija u lil Leli.
Irrid ngħid li kemm MGG u kemm jien sibna ruħna hemm wara li Toni rreferieni għas-sit tal-gżira tal-poeżija. Fuq il-gżira tal-poeżija rrid nitfa' blogg xi darba. nittama li ma ndumx.
Whilst I wholeheartedly share your sentiments, unprecedented developments regarding the "terror book" law constitutionality are not a cause for jubilation. First, it still has to be ratified by the Republican controlled Senate and, lastly but not least, it still could be vetoed by the Executive (although chances are it could be overridden as the situation stands).
p.s. Any sane man would unravel the preposterousness contained within the legal lingo that this Act is. Abu Sayyaf members are not going to go to the local Queens Flushing library branch teeming with curiosity on how AEGIS works. In the secretive covert worlds that govern "free" democracies, one would know better than the aforementioned as in regards to insourcing information regarding lucrative weaponry systems. Not only would you be apprehended instantaneously if you went down the route that the Patriot Act seeks to plug, you would be looked upon as downright stupid by your associates and opponents. This Act does nothing more than pander fear amongst the American public that the Republicans are infamous for. Too many strange things are happening in America (remember Nixon?) that I am led to believe this Act, amongst multitudes of others, is a disguise for something of a much serious nature. Look at the deaths of Senators Norm Coleman + Paul Wellstone.
Prosit lil Immanuel u lil Maria.
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