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Saturday, October 09, 2004

Here comes the rain again

It's been just over a week since my last blog entry. I've never kept away from my blog for so long since I started it last April. The reason for my lack of writing is related directly to my new life in Scarborough. I moved into my new home last Saturday and it's been one whirlwind since then.

I keep being asked "how are you?" and I'm often at a loss for the appropriate words to use in answering the question. I'm not too concerned with being asked how I am casually. I just say fine. Yet I can't answer just fine to anyone who asks how I am because they really care about me, beyond quotidian niceness.

Anyway, it has now hit me that this new life I've chosen is closer to a new start than a continuation of my years in New York. My new apartment is in a wonderful location. It's good for my soul...and I'm not saying that just because it's across the street from the church at the top left of the picture you see here.Scarborough's South Bay from Oliver's Mount
My wife came to Scarborough this past week in preparation for her move here. It will not be easy for her to give up her job in the USA. Hopefully, her company see her for the valuable resource she is and arrange for her to be transferred to their UK division. On one level that's easier said than done, but on another level it makes sense all around.

One of my favourite songs from my teenage years came on the radio as we were driving through the Yorkshire countryside a couple of days ago. While its clearly a new romantic love song, I think its also an ode to uncertainty. I've chosen that song as the title of today's blog entry because the words crystallize the emotions I'm experiencing right now.

Blogger Joseph Izzo Clarke said...

How are you,Ton?
I really mean what I say when I say :how are you: considering we have not seen each other for 20 odd

I accidently came by your site while surfing and I read through straight away. I liked what I saw and decided to make a profile (still have to put details in).

I love the U.K and I have lived there for three years. It is a beautiful place to live in and good for heart
and mind. Anyway, I now live in Luxembourg with my family which is also a good and orderly country to spend some years in.
Sahhiet Silvana 

1:30 PM, October 13, 2004

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