It's already been one week
I've already been in Scarborough for a whole week. This time last week I was sleeping off my jetlag. By the weekend I had recovered completely, however, I'd say I'm still a couple of weeks away from really becoming comfortable about living here. I'm still living at a guest house in town and my computer set-up still needs a bit of tweaking.
While I could turn this blog into my personal journal about my first days in Scarborough, I feel that I should stick to the original spirit within which I created it. It's been a little odd not commenting about what's going on in/around Malta and beyond these last couple of weeks.
So today I want to blog a couple of news items that I know I'd bring to this blog if my private life was a little less hectic right now. Here goes:
I still want to comment about the recent Broadcasting Authority report, which among other things mentioned the streaming of Maltese radio station signals on the Internet. And even more importantly than that there's this amazing statistic today about the fact that over 1,000 Americans have died in Iraq since March last year while dozens of international aid agencies are considering quitting Iraq following the abduction of two Italian women. This staggering death toll should be considered in light of another fact: more than 10 times as many Iraqi civilians have also lost their lives in the so-called liberation of Iraq.

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