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Friday, June 06, 2008

The Weight

Überbloglord Sandro Vella is organizing a dinner for Maltese bloggers, observers, and their friends. It's at the San Remo Restaurant in Mosta next Friday. The venue was recommended/selected by fellow bloglord Jacques René Zammit. This is the first such gathering since MaltaMedia started channeling the Maltese blogosphere.

The menu (reasonably priced €13 per person - not including drinks) includes all sorts of meat dishes, rabbit, fish and poultry. I'm a vegetarian, so I'm not attending...but that shouldn't stop you. There's a salad on offer too.

We will undoubtedly hear more about this get together after it happens, if not before. Would you expect otherwise from bloggers?

To book your seat at the bloggers' dinner table just email


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The blog post "The Weight" is featured on Maltamedia: The Maltese Blogosphere

- Nominate blog post of the month -  

7:57 PM, June 06, 2008

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