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Wednesday, April 16, 2008

And Your Bird Can Sing

It's been about a week since Il-Manoċċa was launched. So far so good. It looks like the sort of blog that's actually needed for the Maltese online media circus. I'm not a big fan of local politics but I can understand the interest it can generate, especially for anyone who feels that things can be better. Then again, things can always be better.

In an attempt to make things ever so slightly better, prolific blogger Sandro Vella has spearheaded a Blog of the Month initiative reminiscent of the Blogger's Carnival some old-timers may remember from a couple of years ago. By his own admission, this is a bold move, but as the Italian saying goes tentare non nuoce. You can now vote for your favourite Maltese blog here.
While it's good to see any sort of activity on the Maltese blogosphere, I disagree that this initiative should be promoted by any means necessary. That sort of thing can get great ideas killed. Never forget what happened to Malcolm X, even if this move is far less socially significant than the struggle that got him shot. There's no need to be paranoid...just don't sit with your back to the door.

Sandro is right to think that it's not enough to just blog about an idea. It needs to be spread. As I see it, the problem with spreading something that there's (relatively) so little of is that it can be spread too thin.

On a related note, I'm quite pleased to see MaltaGirl blogging fairly regularly again now that she's sort of settled into her new lifestyle. She's the undisputed queen of the Maltese blogosphere. I'm also very glad to see that a Ħsejjes 2 blog has emerged in recent days bringing back on of the Maltese bloggers' darlings; it doesn't get more real than Ħsejjes.

All this bodes well for the Maltese blogosphere, especially since its death knell was supposedly heard by many some time ago. To believe that the Maltese blogoshere is dead is to believe that Malta can ever be a participatory democracy where diverging opinions are given a significant voice to state their point of view as openly as possible.


Blogger Arcibald said...

X'naghmel tghid? Nerga nibda nibbloggja wkoll? :) 

6:04 PM, April 16, 2008
Blogger Toni Sant said...

Ħeqq mela!! Ma nafx x'qed tistenna. ;-) 

6:18 PM, April 16, 2008
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ejja Archibald hiiiiiiii

kemm gejjaaaaa fitt-tuuuuuull

ftahtu jew le? 

6:50 PM, April 16, 2008
Blogger Arcibald said...

Sandro - il-blogg tieghi ilu jezisti minn qabel ma beda l-blogg tieghu Jacques... kemm nirrijattivah kieku. Naqra hegga kull ma rrid lol 

9:13 PM, April 16, 2008
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Iva qaluli.

Nixtieqek tirrijattivah. Ha nara l-arkivji almenu. 

9:30 PM, April 16, 2008
Blogger Unknown said...

ejja arcibald, iftah dak l-imfietah ta blog! issa webbiltna 

9:47 PM, April 16, 2008
Blogger MaltaGirl said...

Come on Archibald, you know you want to... I command you even! There, the queen has spoken (I think it's hilarious Toni called me that). 

6:21 PM, April 18, 2008
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Hi, interesting blog you have here. Was passing through and I thought I would pop in to say howdi neighbour! I'm Jennifer Galea from Labour in labour, the independent and unauthorised blog documenting the Labour Party's quest for a new leader. Come and visit us on and lets us know what you think...openly and sincerely! See you soon!" 

11:58 PM, April 18, 2008
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The thing about local politics though is it's where people can have the most affect and it's at this level that decision making touches day to day lives. That's what makes it so's where democracy lives. 

4:40 PM, April 21, 2008
Blogger Arcibald said...

Imbasta ridtu blogg... umbaghad qas ticcekkjaw ghamiltux... aw ha.... 

9:35 PM, April 28, 2008
Blogger Toni Sant said...

Ħeqq, inti wieħed ġdid għamilt hawn!

Jien kuntent tassew li tal-anqas erġajt bdejt. :-) 

11:12 AM, April 29, 2008
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Arcibald ruhi

Ma ridnix ninsistu...ghax kieku ma kontx tifthu heheheh 

6:06 PM, April 29, 2008

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