Diamonds Are Forever
The 75th edition of my weekly Mużika Mod Ieħor podcast seems like a suitable occasion to celebrate. I was tempted to do something out of the ordinary today but I think it's more appropriate to save that for the 100th edition, with a promise to do my best to get us there in January or February 2008.
This week I'd like to experiment with a different format for my blog entry on the podcast. Please let me know what you think either by leaving a comment here on the the blog or by contacting me privately. One reason for this change is that I'd like to start posting about other things more frequently on my blog.
1. Aaron Benjamin is originally from Brighton, UK. He now lives in Malta. The new single from his forthcoming album is called In My Head.
2. Bomba have appeared on MMI before. Frontman Nicky Bomba and keyboardist Michael Caruana have Maltese-Australian ancestry. Their new track Hold Your Ground comes from a compilation CD called Stir Music, which aims to raise awareness through music for the current global injustices in the world. The video for this song is available on YouTube.
3. Polish singer Zefiryna works with Mario Cordina. Ebony is one of the tracks from their upcoming album Colours.
4. The Characters are back with a new song called So Alive. If you like this band you'll like this new offering from them.
Next week: podcast 76. Until then, I'll be reading Pierre J. Mejlak's Riħ Isfel and getting ready to blog about my adventures in Second Life.
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