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Thursday, September 07, 2006

Unchained Melody

I just arrived in London this morning so I don't have time to blog at length, but I had to mark the passing of someone I would dedicate a few more words to if I had the time. Lewis Portelli died this morning. Most people know him either from his work in sports journalism or in philanthropy. There's also his work as a civil servant with the DOI, of course. And then there are a few people who, like me, will also remember him for being a part of the team that produced children's programmes on Rediffusion in the 1960s.

In 1990, when I was producing a 26-part radio series marking the end of cable radio broadcasting in Malta I interviewed Lewis at length at his home in Balzan. I had never met him in person before. Nor had I met him again since. The interview went quite well, or at least so it seemed to me because we drank quite a bit of Chivas Regal that night, but not too much, and mostly after the recording of the interview was over. If I wasn't busy in London right now I'd share that recording with you.

I can't say I knew Lewis Portelli, even though my earliest recollections of him are from my childhood. Yet, like so many others, I can't say that I didn't know Lewis Portelli. His public life was known by far too many not to warrant a mention here today.

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