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Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Here I Am Lord

I'm not surprised that Eurovision fever has crept into the Maltese blogosphere. While Malta's entry is not exactly wooing the masses, it seems that Finnish rock band Lordi is picking up steam in its quest to rock the Eurovision.

The most amazing thing about Lordi's presence at this year's song contest is not that they're taking part or what they're singing but rather the interest they're attracting from the most unlikely places.'s campaign to turn the tables on all the pop and the glitter that comes with the Eurovision is an amazing attempt to use the power of social networking on the Internet and leverage as much influence on the outcome of the contest.

I won't bore you with the sort of reports I've been writing for the news service on my blog. I know that some people who follow this blog regularly are somewhat baffled by the very fact that I give so much of my time to this annual event. So I should add that I would not be blogging about the Eurovision today if it were not for Lordi and the subversive potential of the movement that's trying to take away the fizz out of the pop world's hold on the contest.

The message is plain and simple: if you live in a Eurovision country and think the Eurovision Song Contest is a joke, do yourself a favour and vote for Lordi on Thursday and Saturday.

I'm surprised that none of the many professional Maltese translators who read this blog have taken up the task of translating the message. If now one takes up the challenge by tomorrow I may have to do it myself.

Meanwhile, here's a photo of journalist Ariadne Massa with Lordi taken this morning. You'll probably enjoy this picture more if you know her personally. I promise you it won't appear with any of her reports in The Times this week.

Ariadne Massa with Lordi in Athens

Blogger Erezija said...

"if you live in a Eurovision country and think the Eurovision Song Contest is a joke, do yourself a favour and SWITCH OFF THE TV" 

2:13 PM, May 17, 2006
Blogger keBo said...

Finally a breath of fresh air! I shall write the following text (taken from their website) on the palm of my hand and learn it by heart, in time for next Saturday's show:

Anyone with more intellectual capacity than cole slaw sees the Eurovision Song Contest for what it is: a bad joke, where utterly unimpressive, unintentionally humorous and genuinely awfully bad performances alternate with unfunny in-betweeners by a pair of photogenic but airheaded hosts, nostalgic bits of past song contests and unremarkable intermission shows, all in a candy-coloured, holdyourhandstogether-fa-la-la-ecstatic display of European pseudo-unity. The term "eurotrash" is redefined yearly in this orgy of tragicomedy. 

4:31 PM, May 17, 2006
Blogger Erezija said...

the quotation is indeed a breath of fresh air kebo, but wouldn't it be better not to participate. I understand that destroying the system from within is a commendable thing, but still, these Lordi characters will no doubt simply become another stupid eccentricity attached to the event. Unless they really do something crazy on stage, like blow themselves up. Perhaps... 

5:32 PM, May 18, 2006
Blogger Antoine Cassar said...

I haven't seen the message in English, but someone sent me the Maltese translation. I must say, it's well written. Here it is before I delete it...


Kull min għandu aktar sens minn kaboċċa jaf jara l-Eurovision Song Contest għal dak li hu: farsa, fejn kanzunetti xejn impressjonanti, idaħħqu bla ma jridu u ġenwinament ħżiena jalternaw ma' kummenti mqansħa minn żewġ preżentaturi fotoġeniċi b'moħħ ta' tiġieġa. It-terminu "eurotrash" jiġi ridefinit kull sena f'din l-orġja traġikomika.

Naturalment, hemm lok għal dan id-divertiment ta' livell baxx. Huwa tassew inkwetanti n-numru kbir ta' nies li jieħdu dan il-festival bis-serjeta, u saħansitra jdawruh f'kwistjoni ta' nazzjonaliżmu sfrenat mingħajr ma jifhmu n-natura veru tiegħu, qisu xi ħaġa tassew importanti. Dawn l-imbeċilli jagħżlu lill-dawk li jirrappreżentaw lill-pajjiżhom fil-festivals - li jkollna nammettu ta' kull sena jdewwaqna l-aktar parti tad-daħk minn ikla ħażina.

Madankollu, darba kultant xi pajjiż iqum minn din ir-raqda banali u jagħżel biex jirrappreżentah xi ħadd b'atitudni differenti, sens ta' spettaklu, u jiġi a la biebu mill-konservattivi kollha li jippreferu s-sistema tas-soltu. Din is-sena, dak il-pajjiż huwa l-Finlandja.

Il-Lordi mhux talli huwa grupp hard rock diċenti fl-istil tal-Kiss, il-kunċett tagħhom - show mostruż b'elementi viżivi li juruk li mhux qed jieħdu d-dinja bis-serjeta wisq - huwa insolenti b'mod sublimi. Il-grupp huwa fost l-aktar atipiċi li qatt dehru fil-festival, u ċertament l-aktar kontra d-dinja li qatt deher fil-Eurovision Song Contest. L-għażla ta' dan il-grupp għall-finali jista' jitqies bħala ġustizzja poetika, seba tan-nofs b'difer twil ippreżentat lill-massa ta' nagħaġ imkexkxa. L-attakki infamja li tqajjmu fil-media Ewropeja, kif ukoll l-isteriżmu dwar is-sataniżmu minn tipi reliġjużi ta' ras iebsa jirnexxielhom biss joffru divertiment lil dawk minna li jifhmu tassew x'inhu għaddej.

Din il-paġna u int, għażiż qarrej, għandkom missjoni: nifirxu dan l-messaġġ madwar l-ewropa: "IVVOTAW LORDI!" Ejja naraw kemm għandha saħħa kampanja (nittamaw) kbira permezz tal-internet jista' jkollha. Ibgħat email, ikteb bloggata, ċempel, ibgħat b'SMS, IRC u IM dan il-messaġġ lill-ħbieb kollha tiegħek u lil kull min taf fuq l-internet li jista' jivvota għall-Eurovision Song Contest fis-semifinali fit-18 ta' Mejju u fil-finali fl-20 ta' Mejju.

Ejja nagħmlu l-Eurovision xi ħaġa storika. Huwa dritt tagħna li nivvotaw!"

I used to enjoy watching Eurovision about 10 years ago, I distinctly remember Totò Cotugno winning with the song "Insieme". Those were the days... will this Lordi band help to inject quality music back into the festival, or is this an attempt to ride the wave of the disillusioned, of those of us who may believe we are "above" this kind of mass-media teenage-heart-throbbing rubbish?

I'll no doubt read the answer to this question on the Maltese blogosphere... 

8:31 PM, May 18, 2006
Blogger Coemgen said...

Il-vot tiegħi għal ma tal-fre. Spiċċajt kelli nara ix-Xarabank kollu ħabba fik, sur Ton! 

12:05 AM, May 20, 2006
Blogger Peklectrick said...

Jien wkoll ha nivvotalhom. :) I'm actually looking forward to the results. 

2:09 PM, May 20, 2006
Anonymous Anonymous said...

just vote for the best song and nothing else!
from someone who loves to hear a good song 

3:50 PM, May 20, 2006
Blogger Victoria said...

Lordi did a great gig at the semi-finals. They are similar to nightwish and rammstein in my opinion. I loved the song to bits!! especially the pyrotechnics

My fav song didnt pass to the finals though :( 

5:04 PM, May 20, 2006
Blogger Kenneth said...

"Ghandek cans, fl-ahhar turi kemm izzobb tobghod lil Eurovision u kull haga li dan il-festival jirraprezenta. Issa jekk il lordi isirux rota fis-sistema hija kwistjoni ohra, u ghalkemm naqbel mieghek sa certu punt, nahseb li dan mhuwiex cans ta min jitilfu."

Amen, Fre. 

5:04 PM, May 20, 2006
Anonymous Anonymous said...


4:39 PM, May 21, 2006
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I actually really enjoyed their show :) And the song is still in my head, which means it reached its aim!!! :)


Aw Fre, kif int? :)


7:43 AM, May 22, 2006
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love Lordi! found them on today --> 

11:44 PM, October 31, 2006

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