I'm in final preparation mode for my short visit to Malta, which starts this weekend. The main purpose of this visit is part of an Erasmus teaching mobility agreement between the University of Malta and the University of Hull. On Monday and Tuesday next week, I'll be delivering two lectures about the aesthetics of refusal. More about that in a minute.
My most recent visit to Malta took place about a year ago. At that time I had been away from the islands for four years. It felt like the visit should have been a life-altering event in ways I still find hard to articulate. Re-reading blog entries from back then I wonder whether I should take any precautions this time. I know that nostalgia will rear its ugly head a couple of times again but I also know that I'll do my best to keep it at bay. Still, no regrets. I like the present better than my past and I still believe we can make the future better, without utopic fervour.
The two lectures I'm giving next week are part of a module on trends in contemporary performance practice organized by Dr Frank Camilleri. Frank was recently appointed co-ordinator of the Mediterranean Institute's Theatre Programme, replacing Dr Vicki Ann Cremona, who is now the Maltese ambassador in France. I've entitled the first lecture Getting to No You: The Way of Refusal and the second No 2 NO: Beyond the Way of Refusal. These are not lectures I've given before, but they do draw on material I've either delivered at academic conferences before or referred to during other lectures I've given over the last couple of years.
I'm still planning out the lectures. I know that Eugenio Barba's writings on refusal will provide a solid springboard for my discussion. I'll also talk about networked performance and hacktivism. Perhaps I'll share some of my lecture notes on my blog later, if I feel like it. I think some aspects of these lectures will only be of any interest to university students interested performance and/or new media studies. Aside from this I'm fascinated by the challenge of making such material accessible to anyone who reads my blog. After all, these are my thoughts and this is my blog.
Interesting construction there on that last sentence, as I contemplate a lecture called Getting to No You. Are these really my thoughts? How much of my thoughts do I owe to others...especially those whose thoughts I've read and studied over the years. And is this really my blog? Could I have another blog that's different from this and also call that my blog?
Now, if this type of thinking/writing nauseates you, then perhaps you're one of the readers who will pass on my next posting or two, should I indeed publish a distillate of my lecture notes on the aesthetics of refusal. In that case you can hopefully find consolation in the fact that I'll be releasing a new Mużika Mod Ieħor podcast before I deliver these two lectures at Tal-Qroqq next week.
Mistoqsijiet interessanti ferm, Toni... Il-poeta Ġermaniż Rainer Maria Rilke kien jgħid li l-ideat ma jappartienu 'l ħadd iżda 'jgħumu' fl-arja...
How about sharing for the benefit of us mere mortals who aren't university students but are interested in performing? *grin* The really technical stuff might be over my head but I'm sure I'll learn something...
How can I refuse your request MaltaGirl? I feel dutybound to comply now. Incidentally, although the lectures are not open to the general public, you're welcome to attend if you're free on Monday and Tuesday around lunchtime. Still, you should only attend if you can make both sessions from beginning to end. Here are the details:
Getting to No You: The Way of Refusal
Monday 27 February, 11:00 – 13:00, GW 255
No 2 NO: Beyond the Way of Refusal
Tuesday 28 February, 12:00 – 14:00, LC 119
Thanks, but I'm a working girl now *grin* and I am saving my leave. I appreciate the offer though, and look forward to the notes... then maybe I will be able to impress Toni the drama teacher, heheheh...
naqbel ma' li qal twanny... jung kien isejhilhom (jew xi haga simili) archetypes...
imma avolja dawn ikunu jghumu fl-arja, mhux kulhadd jippercepihom, u mhux kulhadd jippercepixxi l-istess affarijiet...
apparti minn hekk, anki dawk in-nies li jippercepixxu l-istess affarijiet, xorta wahda jaghgnuhom b'mod differenti...
meta tqis kemm il-muzika/kanzunetta hargu minn biss seba' noti, tiksah...
konkluzjoni: l-ideat tieghek u ta' kulhadd ghax inti parti mill-kullhadd...
konkluzjoni 2: avolja jien bhal maltagirl nahdem, ghandi x-xorti li naghmel dan go skola u ghalhekk dakinhar tal-lectures tieghek inkun bil-mid-terms :)... jaf narak hemm...
I agree with nigredo. Influence exists but the way people absorb that influence depends on their own personal narrative as much as on the dominant modes of thinking of that particular social context.
Even the amalgamation of different existing concepts can become something new and personal. Aren't recipes new entities or are they merely the collection of different ingrediants?
Yeah there are notices all over the board. It's a bit sickening really, anyone would think royalty was coming :P
And before you ask, and then proceed to offend me, I can't make it to the lectures either :( (uses MaltaGirl to shield!) But good luck. I hope you have a receptive and intellectually stimulating audience.
Hope to be able to meet you while in Malta! We have only met on the net - I mean not even when you lived in Malta. What do you think?
I agree with Maltagirl re:posting on the blog. I think that even we university students who cannot attend will learn something from them, NO?
1 + 1 = 3
thesis - listening/reading other people's ideas
antithesis - your own ideas on the subject and also your context/background
sysnthesis - a mix of the two is greater than the sum of the two parts
I find this works in many different ways, especially in this situation where as Pekleectrick said people learn new things acoorrding to their own personal narrative.
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