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Friday, April 08, 2005

Death Singing

Like millions of people around the world, I've just finished watching the funeral of Pope John Paul II. I've refrained from adding much my own thoughts to the tower of babel's worth that has been written/said over the past week. So, for now, more respect for the dead. I was truly touched by the simplicity of his coffin. May he rest in peace.

Over the past 24 hours, still hungover with jetlag after my journey from New York to Scarborough, I've been working with my colleagues at News (mostly Martin Debattista and Roseanne Sammut) to produce a special feature: The Papal Legacy from a Maltese Perspective.

Here's the "official" blurb for this feature: In marking the end of Pope John Paul's era and the beginning of the first new papacy for the third millennium, the The Papal Legacy from a Maltese PerspectiveMaltaMedia Online Network presents a few thoughts about the contributions of the late pope while shedding some light on the long-term relationship between Catholic Malta and the Holy Father, the head of a church that holds around one billion faithful worldwide.

Some parts of the feature will develop over the coming days and weeks as we witness the election of a new pope. Feel free to comment (below) or contact me privately if you'd like to make any suggestions about the feature.

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