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Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Save a prayer

Work on the 2004 year in review feature is almost complete. We've been working quite hard this year to produce what has become an annual affair for the MaltaMedia Online Network. More about all that when it's been officially launched for public viewing.

Meanwhile, like most other people, I'm recovering from post-Christmas celebrations. Well, they're not actually over yet...and it'll be at least another week before things start coming back to "normal" again. I must say though that this year has been one of the most laid back festive seasons I've had in quite a while. Truth be told, I like it better this way.

I was never one to celebrate the end of year merriment as if it was something extraordinary. As a child my parents always worked harder on holidays, so I never really spent any quality time with them during the festive season until my mid-teenage years. As a teenager I was active in the local music scene and so most of my time was spent with my band or some sort of related environment. Then later, with the theatre and club DJing, I too started to work (harder) during the holidays. So for me staying at home with a loved one, or going for a quiet stroll on the beach, makes for an interesting way to spend the holidays.

Oh well, I suppose it will all be over soon enough! Once things get back to "normal" I'm sure something else will come up that will make things as all over the place as I expect them to be at about this time of the year.

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