One Step Closer
I was planning to blog about something else today. I'll save it for another day. I simply couldn't resist commenting on the high drama and the dark play related to the selection process for the Malta Song for Europe.
Malta's song selection for the Eurovision Song Contest is arguably as news worthy as the country's upcoming adoption of the euro monetary system. The non-Maltese jury panel involved in the song selection process has combed through the 228 songs submitted for this year's attempt to follow in the footsteps of the tremendous Lordi.
Unlike previous years, when shortlisted songs were announced by lyricist and composer, this year's songs are simply identified with their singers. Does this mark a move away from the age old tradition of this whole shenanigan being a song contest? Has someone finally managed to convince whoever had the power to resist this change that in many cases it's the singer who makes the song a winner. Can you imagine Abba singing Hard Rock Hallelujah? Or how about Chiara singing Waterloo?
It's good to see that there are a number of alternative names entering Phase 2. I wonder how many of them will make it to the final selection festival. William Mangion is back. This time he wants "to win it for Malta." I thought he said the Eurovision wasn't his bag. What do I know? Mary Spiteri too wanted "to win it for Malta" this year but her song has not made it through the selection process. It would have been good to see her back where she belongs. She will always be the first Maltese singer to bring the possibility of a Maltese win into the nation's psyche.
Apparently there's someone who has been spreading a rumour that Malta wants to send a rock song to Finland next spring. What a load of nonsense. Still, it's great to see Tarcisio Barbara, Konrad Pule and Gianni & Friends back on the Song for Europe circuit. If they make it to the Song for Europe finals we should get a better batch of songs on the next MaltaSong CD release. The one from last year is not doing so well on the Mużika Mod Ieħor: Listeners' Picks for 2006.
I'm also looking forward to hearing the songs from Pamela, Rita Pace, Trilogy, and, of course, the delicious Olivia Lewis (yes, I'm still a fan). If any of these singers don't make it through Phase 2 I won't be surprised. I'll just be disappointed that I'll have to work a little harder to get my hands on MP3s of their songs.
There are several new names on the list of singers for the 35 songs in Phase 2. I like some of the names even though I have no idea who these singers are or if they're singing songs I wouldn't mind playing on my podcast. Among the new names that have attracted my attention, I could mention the following, in no particular: Jean Claude Vancell, Julie Pomorski, Klinsmann Coleiro, Gianella Mazzola, and Tristan B. I must admit that I'm quite keen on hearing their songs.
How did I manage to write all this without mentioning Xtruppaw again? Not yet, my pretty. All in good time.